मंगलवार, 15 मई 2012

  SHARMA,SATYA DEO- Headmaster, Board Middle School, Tilakpur, Bhagalpur(1964-65)
Born on 01 Feb 1914 at Bhagalpur, father K M Sharma , education-B A, studied Purnea  Zila School and Patna  College Patna, started in school of award as Headmaster 1938, retierd-1976,competent  and painstaking  teacher, instrumental   in all-around  development  of  school  and  its  continuous bright  records,  known for keen interest in both indoor and outdoor  activities of school, helpful in establishing  a  Girls  Training  School   and  promoting   Co-Operative  movement  in  locality, keen promoter of Adult Literacy, village educationist in real sense of term, left good collection of stones, minerals,  sheels and books for imparting  general knowledge to students, was  Secretary(primary section)  of  All-India Federation of  Educational   Associations , President-Provincial  Examination  Board  of  Bihar  Shikshak   Sangh  and President-Elementary Headmasters Association.
                             From-NATIONAL TEACHERS AWARD  and  Those who received it(P-A88)

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